Monday 24 September 2012

Day One

Eating plain rice whilst everyone else eats gourmet ala Dave/Thomas ‘Chris Hoy’ Jackson at the dinner table all week became tangible for the first time this afternoon. Having starved myself all day with little to be found to eat for 33p in London I finally came across some basics digestives. Then I sat down for two hours between Waterloo and Portsmouth Harbour watching a heavily perspiring man eating a double cheeseburger. To envy a sweaty stranger is sad. Unless it’s Chris ‘Dave Jackson’ Hoy or someone of similar athletic ability. It was not. 

Anywho, based on what I watched him eat and my exemplary knowledge of the Burger King menu I’d say his meal probably cost him a total of just under £7. I was tempted to copy him but I can proudly say that I made it through day 1 unscathed by my desires for tasty tasty treats. 

The self-imposed ground rules are:

No hand outs
No staff food
No giving in to my Mum’s pestering to eat something fresh or borrow some salt ect ect ect. Having said that she has just this instant brought me some tap water “because you can’t have anything else” so at least for now she is getting into the spirit of things. 

In the end it turns out you can actually get quite a lot (when you sacrifice all quality in favour of quantity) for £7. Here’s the proof:

The extravagant 55p binge on hot dogs had to be done. Am not going to check the ‘pork percentage’ until after they (and let’s face it probably all the brine) are gone.

Unfortunately, this is what it looks like in real terms. Tomorrow’s dinner plans for Myself Vs Mum and Dad’s:

 That's 74p vs £11 right there. Come on the boys in red and white.

That's all for day one so in closing I will just say please click on this link:

and take a look. Any donation no matter how small will be greatly appreciated by me, VSO and the communities we will be helping in Nigeria. 

Cheers and enjoy your dinners!